Chicken & Egg Ornament
Chicken & Egg Ornament
Chicken & Egg Ornament
Chicken & Egg Ornament

Chicken & Egg Ornament

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Colors Vary- if you're dying for a certain color, let us know, otherwise just trust us!!!

2020. Need we say more? Of course we got chickens this year, didn't you?!?!? 

Our newest ornament for 2020 is a Hen with her eggs. We got a dozen in the spring at the height of The Shutdown. A mixed batch, a couple each of 5-6 different breeds. Some Rhode Island Reds, a few Easter Eggers, some Plymouth Rocks, etc. And in the mix of a dozen adorable chicks, come to find out later- one rooster. He's a goofy one, not the most confident crow you've ever heard, but he does his job so far and he's here to stay, announcing the sun each morning, spending the rest of the day yelling: "Where are you?!?!?" to the various stray hens. (They're typically over munching on our neighbors garden.)

This ornament will adorn your holiday tree or wreath and hang in your window all year long.